
Showing posts from October, 2021

Monolithic vs Microservice architecture difference

  What Is Monolithic Architecture? A  monolithic  application is built on a single code base with a variable number of modules. The number of modules depends on the complexity of the business and its technical features. The whole application—and dependencies, when applicable—are built on a single system with a single executable binary for deployment. A monolithic architecture has distinct advantages and disadvantages that should be evaluated when deciding when selecting the optimal type of architecture for the application. Monolithic architecture pros: Fewer cross-cutting concerns: The majority of applications typically have a large number of cross-cutting concerns. Running them all on a monolithic architecture facilitates hooking up components. Less operational overheads: Avoids the additional costs stemming from microservices such as interservice communication, service discovery and registration, load balancing, decentralized data management or distributed logging, for example. Comp

Majority Elements in an Array | Moore's Voting Algorithm | Element appears more than Array.length/2

class MostVotedElement { public static int boyerMooreMaxVoting(int[] array) { int maxVotedElement = array[0]; int count = 1; for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { count = (maxVotedElement == array[i]) ? ++count : --count; // If count is 0 then assign current element as maxVotedElement if(count == 0) { maxVotedElement = array[i]; count = 1; } } // Re-validate maxVotedElement count = 0; for(int element : array) { if(maxVotedElement == element) { count++; } } return count > array.length/2 ? count : -1; // it will find count if element's // frequency is more than array.length/2. 2 Can be any number 3, 4 etc } public static void main(String args[]){ int[] array = new int[] {2, 3, 4, 3, 3}; int value = boyerMooreMaxVoting(array);

Substring search algorithms

Given text and pattern, find out appearance of pattern in given text.  1. Knuth–Morris–Pratt(KMP) Pattern Matching , Explanation Video 2. Boyer-Moore: Example Video1 , Video2 3. Rabin-Karp: Example Video 1 Related Questions: Boyer Moore maximum voting algorithm : Explanation Video1 Approach 1: Use brute force algorithm where we can count frequency of each element. Time complexity: O(N^2) & Space complexity: 1 Approach 2: Sort the array in NLogN time and count element occurrences in O(N) time. Approach 3: Use frequency table of elements. Time complexity: 1 & Space complexity: O(N^2) Approach 4: Use HashMap where element as key and count as value Approach 5: Boyer Moore maximum voting algorithm: Code , Time Complexity: O(N) & Space complexity: 1

Knuth–Morris–Pratt(KMP) Pattern Matching

/** * Do pattern matching using KMP algorithm * * Runtime complexity - O(m + n) where m is length of text and n is length of pattern * Space complexity - O(n) */ class SubstringSearch { /** * Slow method of pattern matching */ public boolean hasSubstring(char[] text, char[] pattern){ int i=0; int j=0; int k = 0; while(i < text.length && j < pattern.length){ if(text[i] == pattern[j]){ i++; j++; }else{ j=0; k++; i = k; } } if(j == pattern.length){ return true; } return false; } /** * Compute temporary array to maintain size of suffix which is same as prefix * Time/space complexity is O(size of pattern) */ private int[] computeTemporaryArray(char pattern[]){ int [] lps = new int[pattern.length]; int index =0;