Insert and delete program in AVL tree

 public class AVLTree {
    private static Node root;

    static Node insert(Node node, int data) {
        // if node is null then create a node and return
        if(node == null) {
            return new Node(data);
        } else if(data < {
            // insert into left sub tree 
            node.left = insert(node.left, data);
        } else if(data > {
            // insert into right sub tree 
            node.right = insert(node.right, data);

        // set height of current node 
        node.height = getHeightOfNode(node);
        // check the balance factor to perform rotation of tree 
        if(getBalanceFactor(node) == 2) {
            if(getBalanceFactor(node.left) == 1) {
                return performLLRotation(node);
            } else if(getBalanceFactor(node.left) == -1) {
                return performLRRotation(node);
        } else if(getBalanceFactor(node) == -2) {
            if(getBalanceFactor(node.right) == -1) {
                return performRRRotation(node);
            } else if(getBalanceFactor(node.right) == 1) {
                return performRLRotation(node);
        return node;
    static Node delete(Node node, int data) {
        // if no elements to delete return null 
        if(node == null) {
            return null;
        // if left and right child null then return null 
        if(node.left == null && node.right == null) {
            // if node is root then assign root as null 
            if(node == root) {
                root = null;
            return null;
        // traverse left or right sub tree 
        if(data < {
            node.left = delete(node.left, data);
        } else if(data > {
            node.right = delete(node.right, data);
        } else {
            // we found the node so delete it
            // we found the key, delete it. We can use inorder predecessor or inorder 
            // successor to replace this node to reference it's sub trees
            // we are deciding based on height of left or right sub tree for chosing inorder 
            // predecessor or successor
            Node inorderPredOrSucc = null;
            if(getHeightOfNode(node.left) > getHeightOfNode(node.right)) {
                inorderPredOrSucc = inorderPredecessor(node.left);
                node.left = delete(node.left,;
            } else {
                inorderPredOrSucc = inorderSuccessor(node.right);
                node.right = delete(node.right,;
        // update height 
        node.height = getHeightOfNode(node);
        // balance factor and rotation 
        if(getBalanceFactor(node) == 2) {
            if(getBalanceFactor(node.left) == 1 || getBalanceFactor(node.left) == 0) {
                return performLLRotation(node);
            } else if(getBalanceFactor(node.left) == -1) {
                return performLRRotation(node);
        } else if(getBalanceFactor(node) == -2) {
            if(getBalanceFactor(node.right) == -1 || getBalanceFactor(node.left) == 0) {
                return performRRRotation(node);
            } else if(getBalanceFactor(node.left) == 1) {
                return performRLRotation(node);
        return node;
    static Node inorderPredecessor(Node node) {
        while(node != null && node.right != null) {
            node = node.right;
        return node;
    static Node inorderSuccessor(Node node) {
        while(node != null && node.left != null) {
            node = node.left;
        return node;

    static int getHeightOfNode(Node node) {
        int leftHeight = node.left != null ? node.left.height : 0;
        int rightHeight = node.right != null ? node.right.height : 0;
        return (leftHeight > rightHeight ? leftHeight : rightHeight) + 1;

    static int getBalanceFactor(Node node) {
        int leftHeight = node.left != null ? node.left.height : 0;
        int rightHeight = node.right != null ? node.right.height : 0;
        return leftHeight - rightHeight;

    static Node performLLRotation(Node node) {
        // if will become new root 
        Node newRoot = node.left;
        // set successor sub tree 
        node.left = newRoot.right;
        // assign right child of tree 
        newRoot.right = node;

        // update height of modified nodes
        node.height = getHeightOfNode(node);
        newRoot.height = getHeightOfNode(newRoot);

        if(root == node) {
            root = newRoot;
        return newRoot;

    static Node performLRRotation(Node node) {
        // left child of current root
        Node leftChild = node.left;
        // it will become root after rotation
        Node newRoot = leftChild.right;
        // free new root's left and right
        leftChild.right = newRoot.left;
        node.left = newRoot.right;
        // set left and right sub tree of new root 
        newRoot.left = leftChild;
        newRoot.right = node;
        // update height of modified nodes
        leftChild.height = getHeightOfNode(leftChild);
        node.height = getHeightOfNode(node);
        newRoot.height = getHeightOfNode(newRoot);

        if(root == node) {
            root = newRoot;
        return newRoot;

    static Node performRRRotation(Node node) {
        // make right child as new root
        Node newRoot = node.right;

        // free new root's left 
        node.right = newRoot.left;
        // assign left sub tree of new root
        newRoot.left = node;

        // update height of modified nodes
        node.height = getHeightOfNode(node);
        newRoot.height = getHeightOfNode(newRoot);

        if(root == node) {
            root = newRoot;
        return newRoot;

    static Node performRLRotation(Node node) {
        // get right sub tree 
        Node rightChild = node.right;

        // make node.right.left as new root 
        Node newRoot = node.right.left;

        // free newRoot's left and right 
        node.right = newRoot.left;
        rightChild.left = newRoot.right;

        // assign left and right sub tree of new root 
        newRoot.left = node;
        newRoot.right = rightChild;

        // update height of modified nodes
        node.height = getHeightOfNode(node);
        rightChild.height = getHeightOfNode(rightChild);
        newRoot.height = getHeightOfNode(newRoot);

        if(root == node) {
            root = newRoot;
        return newRoot;

    static void preOrderTraversal(Node root) {
        if(root == null) {
        System.out.print( + " ");

    static void performAllRotations() {
        // LL Rotation
        root = insert(null, 50);
	    insert(root, 100);
	    insert(root, 30);
	    insert(root, 40);
	    insert(root, 20);
	    insert(root, 10);
	    System.out.println("Test Case LL Rotation : ");
	    // LR Rotation
	    root = insert(null, 50);
	    insert(root, 100);
	    insert(root, 30);
	    insert(root, 40);
	    insert(root, 45);
	    insert(root, 35);
	    insert(root, 20);
	    System.out.println("\nTest Case LR Rotation : ");

	    // RR Rotation
	    root = insert(null, 50);
	    insert(root, 25);
	    insert(root, 100);
	    insert(root, 60);
	    insert(root, 150);
	    insert(root, 200);
	    System.out.println("\nTest Case RR Rotation : ");

        // RL Rotation
	    root = insert(null, 50);
	    insert(root, 25);
	    insert(root, 100);
	    insert(root, 150);
	    insert(root, 60);
	    insert(root, 65);
	    System.out.println("\nTest Case RL Rotation : ");

	public static void main (String[] args) {
	    // create AVL tree 
	    int[] array = new int[] {10, 20, 30, 25,28, 27, 5};
	    root = insert(null, array[0]);
	    for(int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
	        insert(root, array[i]);
	    System.out.println("\nCreate and print pre-order of AVL tree : ");
	    // delete 
	    delete(root, 28);
	    System.out.println("After deleting 28 : ");

	private static class Node {
	    int data;
	    int height;
	    Node left;
	    Node right;
	    public Node(int data) { = data;
	        this.height = 1;

Test Case LL Rotation : 
30 20 10 50 40 100 
Test Case LR Rotation : 
40 30 20 35 50 45 100 
Test Case RR Rotation : 
100 50 25 60 150 200 
Test Case RL Rotation : 
60 50 25 100 65 150 
Create and print pre-order of AVL tree : 
25 10 5 20 28 27 30 After deleting 28 : 
25 10 5 20 30 27 


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