Sorting Techniques

Criteria of Analysis :

1. Number of comparisons

2. Number of swaps 

3. Stable

4. In-place

5. Memory used

Comparison based sorts :

1. Bubble Sort - Code

Can get kth largest element

2. Insertion Sort - Code

3. Selection Sort - Code

Number of swaps O(n)

Can get kth smallest element

4. Heap Sort 

        Ascending order

        Descending order

        Additional Note: shiftDown take O(n) time over shiftUp O(nlogn). Ref1, Ref2.

5. Merge Sort

6. Quick Sort

7. Tree Sort

8. Shell Sort

Index based sorts :

9. Count Sort

Index based sorting. Fastest, Consume a lot of memory.

The biggest advantage of counting sort is its complexity – O(n+k), where n is the size of the sorted array and k is the size of the helper array (range of distinct values).

It has also several disadvantages – if non-primitive (object) elements are sorted, another helper array is needed to store the sorted elements. Second and the major disadvantage is that counting sort can be used only to sort discrete values (for example integers), because otherwise the array of frequencies cannot be constructed.

1o. Bucket/Bin Sort : Greek ref

11. Radix Sort 

Sorting comparison Ref1, Ref2


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